Complete the fields below to find the potential ROI for your Communities

Average Rent/Month
1000 40000
Current Census
1 1000
Average Months to Fill an Empty Bed
1 12
Current Average LOS in Months (Optional)
1 48
Census at Peak Occupancy
0 1000
Months to Reach Peak Occupancy
1 60
Fall Savings
Average Rent/Month
Current Census
Average Months to Fill an Empty Bed
Annual Cost for Empty Beds Without CarePredict
Annual Cost of Empty Beds With CarePredict
Savings From Reducing Falls
Increased Revenue from Increased LoS
Average Rent/Month
Rent per Day
Current Census
Current Average LOS in Months (Optional)
Total Revenue / Resident Without CarePredict
Total Revenue / Resident With CarePredict
Increased Revenue/Resident With CarePredict
Total Increase in Revenue Across All Residents
Increased Revenue from Increased Occupancy
Average Rent/Month
Rent per Day
Census at Peak Occupancy
Months to Peak Occupancy
Increase in Number of Residents per Month
Monthly Increase in Rent
Rent Through to Peak Occupancy
Monthly Rent at Peak Occupancy
With CarePredict
Months to Peak Occupancy Without CarePredict
Increase in Number of Residents per Month
Monthly Increase in Rent
Rent through to Month24
Total Increase in Revenue With CarePredict in the first 24 months